Sunday, February 29
What a great day at POE! There were over 100 letterboxers, both veteran and new boxers, all stamping and swapping stories of the trails. We even met Chad & Melissa from MA who were letterboxing for their first day after they met another letterboxer on the trail and invited Chad & Melissa along to the gathering! Special thanks to Warrior Woman, who was the ultimate host along with Farmer Harvey for opening up his great location for the gathering; Brian of TeamGreenDragon for the wonderfully executed Event Stamp; Phyto for the informative felt pouch demonstration; all of the boxers that brought along food and those with personal travelers. There were so many travelers posted to the talk list that I had to make an Excel spread sheet to keep them all straight [Isoceles - I forgot already the 10 digits of PI, but I remembered when it counted!] Special thanks to Kstar for arranging the Tweed's Restaurant after gather dinner and Brian, again, for carving the Sadie Hawkins stamp.
[Yes - "Eik was Danish" is an anagram for "Sadie Hawkins."]
Thanks to Wanda & Pete [and Jay Drew!] for letterboxing with us after the gathering and before Tweed's.
Saturday, February 28
I added some new links that feature websites by various letterboxers, including Tailchaser from the UK.
Our Box of the Week is St. Lawrence Church - Starry Night Letterbox, by Casco Bay Painter. Located in Portland, ME this box and it's creator show the originality and innovation that we all appreciate. The only clues are "Carefully inspect the doorways." As I have posted earlier in the month, this website is worth a visit. Heah - TeamGreenDragon, want to take a trip to Portland the Saturday before we attend Letterboxing at Laudholm???
While anxiously awaiting the POE gathering tomorrow, we received a special surprise today in the mail - Peppermint Patti's Scouting Postal Letterbox. This letterbox is for anyone who had anything to do with the scouting program. The unique thing about this box is that you are requested to write your most memorable scouting story in the logbook. It will be on it's way on Monday. Thanks for a great box, Patti.
Friday, February 27
I'm biting the bullet and waiting patiently for Sunday's Peace on Earth Gathering. Keep an eye on the talklist for Warrior Woman's post about the new boxes she promised to plant at the farm for this event - some for the gathering only and some to remain there permanently. Don't forget the HH Hostel at the gathering - add one; take one. Phyto will be demonstrating how she makes her felt pouches to hold stamps. Email her if you are interested in attending it so the supplies are there for you. The event stamp is carved [It's the best], along with the post event [Tweed's] stamp [Look for clues here on our website - it's the only place you can find them!], by Brian of TeamGreenDragon. The event of the season is coming - hope you are all ready! Remember your food item to share for the Potluck Lunch - electricity will be provided. See you there!
Any of our Dartmoor Trip attendees that are at the POE be sure to see me. I have several brochures that you may want to look at and a special full color Dartmoor label for your Dartmoor logbook per Butterfly's request.
Wednesday, February 25
As I predicted, the travelers for the upcoming POE gathering are being posted fast and furious . . . Wanda & Pete, TeamGreenDragon, LadyBug, Sunshine & Swamp Yankee, Phyto, Isoceles, Teach & Preach and others. Keep your eyes pealed to both talk lists. Don't forget, travelers count as boxes found since they have a clue or riddle to solve and have a stamp! Good luck.
Monday, February 23
Warrior Woman's Peace on Earth is our Box of the Week. While it is not a new box, it is the location and the name of our upcoming gathering this Sunday, February 29. Warrior Woman has done a great job in securing the location and planning this event. See our New England Area Gatherings page for more info. Watch the talk lists this week for hints and clues to individual travelers that area letterboxers will be bringing to the event. Ours is listed several posts below this one on this page.
Sunday, February 22
I just received an email from Phyto . . . it's official, Deb Blanchard, an educator from the Raymond Elementary School in Raymond, Maine will be a guest speaker at the Maine Gathering on Sunday, March 21st. Deb brings a wealth of experience from her teaching in the classroom and supervision of the Lakes Region Letterboxing Trail. Deb will be sharing a slide show of pictures from her trip to Dartmoor National Park. She will also bring her stamps and other memorabilia from her trips abroad. Sounds like my Dartmoor trip friends may want to be at this gathering for sure! Thanks Phyto for sharing this great news with us.
Friday, February 20
I just received an email from our boxing buddy, Brian of TeamGreenDragon. Attached to the email was a special preview of his carved event stamp for the Peace on Earth Gathering on February 29th in Westborough, MA. Brian has a great reputation as a carver par excellence but he has really outdone himself! The stamp is truly a work of art. If you are on the fence as to whether you should attend this gathering or not, the stamp itself is worth the ride! Check out our new New England Area Gatherings page for more specifics as to time, directions, etc.
In a related vein, there will be a special Post Event Stamp at Tweed's Restaurant following the POE Gathering. Check my posts on this webpage for earlier in the month for your clue. Please keep this quiet as this webpage is the only location for the clues and mention made about this stamp - we do not want it posted on any of the talklists. Again - Brian is carving that one also! Have fun and just get out there and attend the POE!!!
Also check earlier posts for clues to my special traveler I will have with me at POE that will eventually become a HH or letterbox traveling to England in September.
Thursday, February 19
Well - things were quiet on the national talk list for a while anyway! Looks like there's a new fanatic on the block, Dr. Everett Van Scott. Read and learn!!!
What a horror show! Make what you like of it, but we found it profound enough to give it some webspace.
Wednesday, February 18
Speaking of gatherings . . . our new Poll of the Week relates to the characteristic of letterboxing gatherings that you favor the most. Please vote now!
One of those gatherings that we are hoping to attend is Letterboxing at Laudholm in Wells, ME on the 21st of March. Hosted by Nautilus and Phyto, it is sure to be a great time. There are even rumours of a special guest! We'll have to watch this one closely. And for all of those letterboxers that don't make the POE gather, Phyto will be demonstrating once again her felt stamp pouches that she has designed! See our New England Gatherings Schedule page for details like times, locations and directions!
As those welcomed tulips pop through the soil with the coming of spring, so does the emergence of area letterboxing gatherings. In a effort to keep all of them straight [the gatherings, not the tulips!!!], I have created a greater New England Letterboxing Schedule. As the season heats up and the weather improves, we will also post gatherings outside of the area.
Tuesday, February 17
A new letterboxer has come into the fold. Casco Bay Painter has been in the letterboxing business since January of this year. She has already begun a website that while still in it's infancy is one that we encourage you to visit.
Another Maine-based letterboxer churning out some great boxes is Amymisha from East Boothbay. Looks like Maine is becoming a hotbed of activity with new recruits and creative ideas.
Our Letterbox of the Week is sadie&russ' Obsessions. They have continuously distinguished themselves in the type of quality and innovative letterboxes that they are planting. In my humble opinion, the bulk of letterboxes are all the same caliber, all kind of run in together - mundane but still fun. It's the innovators, like sadie&russ, TeamGreenDragon, Phyto & Isoceles, Mapsurfer, of course Legerdemaine and a few others that keep this game interesting. I view this as a maturation process: initially we produce the "cut & dry" letterboxes, then proceed to a mystery box or two, then a hitchhiker. Eventually the creative juices begin to flow and a select few letterboxers churn out a box with a creative edge to it - the perfect marriage of location, clues and stamp. To those who are bringing this pastime to new heights - we salute you! To those of us [myself included!] who are part of the average, everyday type placer - try harder - use your imagination and look for new ways to keep this game interesting. This is the whole theory behind this webpage - keep things interesting, involve all and promote innovation. I hope that we have succeeded!
Monday, February 16
Ever-vigilant in my search for letterboxes in England for our coming trip, I ran across The SpaceHijackers website, that features Urban Letterboxes located in several cities around the world: London, Paris, and others. While there are just 54 listed here, this could be a growing segment of letterboxing or at least an alternative. You may even recognize the name of a famous CT letterboxer who has entered a box or two in this database!!!
Back from a great weekend in VT. We spent about one and a half hours snow-shoeing on Sunday through the woods and around lakes in southern Vermont. Despite the single digit temperature, it was great to be out. Hope that your weekend was as great as ours.
Friday, February 13
Sue & I are heading to Vermont for some snow-shoeing, dinner and "chill time" on Valentine's Day and Sunday with friends. Hope Valentine's Day finds you with those that are most important to you.
Thursday, February 12
The good news keeps on coming . . . Steve from Ravenhaus announced on the national talk list that he will be marrying RavenMom in a small, home ceremony on March 6, 2004. Our best to both at Ravenhaus along with our wishes for continued health and happiness. Steve assured the talk list that this would result in a new Postal Letterbox! Let's see what happens!
Congratulations go out to our good friends, TeamGreenDragon, on the birth of their new grandchild, Dakota Skye Sampson, just after noon yesterday! With Dakota living in Florida and Lori in the greater Boston area, it looks like there will be a huge influx of Florida letterboxes as TGD visits their new grandbaby!
Best wishes go out to all - another new letterboxer is always welcomed into the family!
Monday, February 9
Here is some exclusive news for our webpage readers only! If you are planning to attend the POE gathering on February 29 and are planning to join us for the after-gathering meal, there will be a special Mystery Post Event stamp carved by Brian of TeamGreenDragon fame and you all know what a fantastic talent he is!
The only place you can find these clues are here on our webpage.
Please do not discuss or post anything about this mystery stamp anywhere.
Mystery Post Event Stamp Clue for the Restaurant after the POE Gathering:
"Eik was Danish"
You must see Brian or me with the answer to get the stamp. Please be discrete, as many will not know about this and afterall - a mystery is a mystery! Good luck!
I have posted our new Poll of the Week. While I was corresponding with Randy Hall [Mapsurfer] regarding our interview with him last fall, he agreed to a Mystery Gathering to be held in his honor in CT early spring of 2004. Since then, there has been the fiasco on the national talk list and Randy has kind of faded in the background. Please vote in the poll as to whether you are interested in attending such a gathering, provided Randy is still willing to attend. Thanks!
Sunday, February 8
Sue and I took advantage of the warmer weather and headed out to the shore to get Sadie & Russ' A Letterboxing Valentine, our present Box of the Week. What a great, innovative stamp and it seems like they thought of everything - I will say no more so as not to spoil anything! Thanks for a great stamp! From there we hit the Perk on Main letterbox and I bought a chai to warm us up! Our last adventure for the day was Bikenut's The Hideout series in Guilford. It was a great afternoon and felt wonderful to be back on the trails again. Could have used my walking stick but that's in VT! Hope you all took advantage of the great weather on Sunday.
Wednesday, February 4
A recent post to the national talk list by the Scarabs spoke of the recent mystery gathering in Maryland. Check out the photos in the section of the same name . According to their post, there was a mystery guest at their dinner that has a long name that begins with the letter "L." Anyone come to mind? Hope this mystery "L" makes it to the POE gathering on February 29th. Being Sadie Hawkins day, there may be plenty of marriage proposals for "L."
Monday, February 2
A Letterboxing Valentine is this week's Box of the Week. Placed by sadie&russ, it is there for a limited time only and will be pulled on March 8, 2004. It sounds like the location for the box is a favorite of sadie&russ and might become one of yours. This holiday-inspired drive-by letterbox is located in Guilford, CT.
After a great Super Bowl win, the second in three years, the New England Patriots are again champs. This slow-starting, defensive game ended in a nail-bitter with great results!